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Team member 1

Team member 2

No cooking partner? Click here.

Cooking address

No Kitchen? Click here.



What is Auf Haxe and how does it work?

Auf Haxe is a three-course meal across your neighbourhood. Our clip and slideshow explain the game. Just sign up yourself and your cooking partner for Auf Haxe and you will receive all the necessary information a few days prior to the event.
For more details on the project please click here.

Can we participate without a kitchen in the Auf Haxe area?

Yes, you just need a place to host your guests and to eat together. Just ask friends in the Auf Haxe area if you can use their kitchen or even better – tell your friends to join.

If there is more than one team signed up in the same flat, we'll assign different courses to avoid too much jam.

Otherwise, be creative. How about a picnic or some pigling in the park?

What does it cost?

Now that is the beautiful thing: nothing! We would appreciate a small donation at the after-party or there might be an easily digestible entrance fee, depending on the location. We'll let you know in advance.

I don’t have a cooking partner.

How about asking someone at work, in your seminar or in the cinema-queue? Additionally, you might also ask in the event on Facebook or in one of the many Facebook groups in your city. Couchsurfing and the like might also be an idea.

What happens after the sign up?

You'll get a confirmation together with the spice-up link where you can edit your data.

A few days prior to the event you'll get your time schedule via e-mail. It will finally reveal the secret about the course assigned to you. Plus, the addresses of your hosts and where the after-party will take place.

We have signed up but can't participate!

Too bad, but don’t worry. Please unregister your team via the spice-up link in your sign up confirmation before the closing date. Otherwise the initiators will suffer from a serious depression. Really.



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till Feb.13


What the Hax?

Who we are and what we want

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